Saturday, October 22, 2011

Focus: Lost and Found

    So I was praying this morning and came to a realization that I felt like sharing.

    In life it doesn't matter what our circumstances are or how impossible they may be/seem. It also doesn't matter how mundane they may be/seem. Either way, whether we live our lives out in quietness or in chaos, one thing remains true: Our focus.

    2 Chronicles chapter 20 is about a King of Judah who went through a very tough situation. A vast army was coming up against his country; he was about to be pressed in on all sides. He called out to all Judah and waited for those who would come. When everyone had arrived he began to pray. At the end of a very long, heartfelt prayer he said this:

"Lord we don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you."

Simple really, but it's changed how I look at my life right now in drastic ways.
I don't need to spend my energy being focused on the fact that I'm in Africa, a somewhat hazardous place. I don't need to spend my energy being focused on the people or the culture. I don't need to be focused on the past and home, and I certainly don't need to focus on the future and what God has planned for me.
    In the midst of all of these questions, doubts and fears..In the midst of this worry without peace, I honestly don't know what to do. All I know is one thing. I know where my eyes are supposed to be.
And that's simply on Him.

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