About This Blog

Hey there! Thank you for looking around! This whole site is dedicated to my adventures in getting to Africa and what happens after I get there. The blogs posted are all about upcoming events and fundraisers, and just some of my thoughts along the way.

The mission trip I'm taking begins about the first of September and runs through to January. I'll be flying to Arusha, Tanzania and staying at a base there for the first few months while participating in a Discipleship Training School hosted by YWAM. The first part of my trip will be spent studying the people and the language as well as establishing a solid foundation of my faith through various theology and world view classes held there. The second part will be spent on a mission trip taken within Africa. The location of this trip is yet to be announced as they base it soley on the types of teams they have that year. Some places they've gone before are Ing'Karet to work with an indigenous people called the Masaai (google them, please. they are the ones whose photos I have posted on my first blog. Amazing people) and an aids community up on Mt. Meru (I've visited the aids community in the past - there are tons of children..it's a really moving experience).

As I said before I will be keeping this blog updated as best I can while in Africa too. I hope to get on a computer once a week and recount my stories of the people and how God is moving among them and in me too. I'll try and post more pictures too!

The trip as a whole will cost between $4000 and $5000. $1500 of that is due by the end of July. If you feel led to give in any way to this cause then please don't hesitate to contact me! You can either message me here or on Facebook! Even if you just mean to pray I cannot tell you how much I'll appreciate hearing that you are! I do plan on getting a donate button on this blog soon!
thank you so much!
God bless!